Tune Book
The Chattanooga Pipe Band is proud to present The Chattanooga Collection of bagpipe and drum music to celebrate the band’s 25th anniversary. This collection of music includes 83 bagpipe tunes and 13 drum scores that the band has played and/or tunes written by band members. You will also find previously unpublished tunes by the band’s founding Pipe Major, Russ Spaulding. The collection is available for $25 (plus shipping). For those interested, please email: admin@chattanoogapipeband.org.
Online Store

Click on the image to the left to access our online store with filled with quality branded merchandise for those who want to show their support for our band.

We have also produced a CD of the band’s tunes. The collection is named “Musicae Fidelis” which is also the band’s motto, meaning “Faithful to the Music”. CDs are $10.00 each plus $4.00 shipping and handling per order if shipped within the contiguous 48 states. Be sure to let us know how many copies you want, where you want the order shipped, and your contact information (including telephone number) by emailing: admin@chattanoogapipeband.org.
Make your check or money order payable to: Chattanooga Pipe Band and mail to:
Chattanooga Pipe Band
c/o Michael Smith
7629 Peppertree Drive
Ooltewah, TN 37363
We have a merchandise store that